Saturday, June 18, 2011


All Government Employees are requires to follows some guidelines relating to pass slip. These are:
1. Employees are entitled only for one (1) pass slip within a week, four (4) times in a month, but not to exceed five (5) times in a month.

2. Pass Slip shall be given only to any employee if it is on official business, stating the time, e.g.: 8:00am to 12:00noon (morning session half day) or 1:00pm to 5:00pm (afternoon session half day) or most probably pass slip is given during 2:00pm-5:00pm or either 3:00pm-5:00pm; indicating the reasons and purposes of pass slip. If it is one (1) day official business, it should be supported by Travel Order (TO) not Pass Slip. Official business means out-on-post in relation to your jobs, duties and responsibilities or any related works pertaining to the assigned tasks given to any employee.

3. Employee is required to file his/her leave of absence instead of having a pass slip if his/her business is personal. Personal business means out-on-post in relation to his/her personal transactions.

4. Before an employee can avail a pass slip, it should be first signed by him/her, initialed and recommended by the Department Head Section, approved by the Administrative Officer and noted by the Chief of Hospital.

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